Friday, June 2, 2017

President Trump didn't break Kathy Griffin, Kathy Griffin broke Kathy Griffin!

"The message is clear," Bloom stated. "Criticize the president lose your job and that's what happened to stops here, it stops now."
I call bull fucking shit on this. If that was the case then half this country, along with the majority the media would be on the unemployment line. Ms. Griffin lost her job because see did a tasteless joke. She held a representation of a bloody decapitated head of our President. There are places in this world that she would have lost her own head for daring hint at such a thing towards the leader.

The biggest irony of it all is someone on the left complaining they lost their job for saying something the other side didn't like. That has been how the left has been operating for years now, I know because I have made several post defending the free speech rights of those I don't agree with, while arguing against going after someone's livelihood because they said what was on your mind.
No Ms. Griffin this is not a group old white men coming to get you. The backlash you are experience is from Americans sick and tired off you people on the left demeaning OUR PRESIDENT, in a majority of incident with no evidence what-so-ever. By the way how is investigation into Russian tampering going?
The reason the Left has left you to hang is because you are the person on the totem pole. You are someone they can make an example of and have it not effect the hire ups. You are the sacrificial lamb, your are the goat being led out to slaughter. The leadership have placed all their sins upon your back so just Pontius Pilate they can wash their hands of this whole matter.

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