Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Into The Dalek Review: Steven Moffat Must Go!

By: William G. Muir
I haven't said anything about the last episode of Doctor Who because I had a friend who hadn't seen it yet so I didn't want to influence how she viewed the episode. But seeing how it is now Wednesday and she should have seen it by now I will speak. I hated "Into The Dalek."

After a really good introduction for the 12th Doctor to follow it with such a piece of crap is inexcusable. Honestly this story was just pathetic! The Doctor arrives in a future were a group of humans at war with the Daleks. 

He saves this one solider from being blown up with her ship and returns her to her army only to be thanked by being told that he will have to die. Well because that's the way do things, they don't know if he is Dalek spy or not. They take no prisoners. Execpt they have a Dalek in there custody. WHAT THE FUCK!

You just said you take no prisoners, inform the Doctor you have to kill him but you have Dalek you are keeping alive. FUCK THIS SHIT! So why did they keep this Dalek alive, because it was "friendly." How stupid are these soliders? The Daleks are the most feared creatures in the whole of the Doctor Who universe, pure evil. Everybody knows you can't trust a Dalek, yet these fuckers buy into a Dalek turning good. I tell you what my very first thought would have been, kill that motherfucker, it's a trap. And why does the Doctor go along with this? In "Victory Of The Daleks" Winston Churchill's secret weapon is bunch of Daleks that seem to be friendly. Yet in this episode the Doctor doesn't buy the Daleks act and starts attacking one with giant wrench to prove that it is evil.

This episode was just a steaming piece of crap. The story was lame, the supporting character added nothing to the story, they were nothing more than a body count for this episode. The real disappointment was once again they failed with Clara. It seemed like in the first episode of this season they had found their mark with her only to have back slide into the most annoying character of the new series run, even more annoying than Rose. Not only did she back slide they pretty much ignored what they established in "Deep Breath." After Clara had defended her self against a claim that she wasn't able to accept the 12th Doctor because he was no longer young and good looking she said that her head was not turned by such things. Yet just one episode later we her hitting on a young, handsome young man. WHAT THE FUCK! Is nobody on the Doctor Who writing staff keeping track of this stuff, or are they no longer concerned with continuity?

I think the solution is pretty obvious at this point, Steven Moffat needs to step down as the head writer/executive producer of Doctor Who. Moffat has had a good run with the show, he been with Doctor Who since it returned to TV in 2005. He started off as a script writer and took over as head of the show when Russell T. Davies stepped down. I just think at this point he has run out of steam. Season seven was the worst season of all for New Who, I have no desire to watch any of those episodes ever again.

With the second episode of this new season I am afraid we are in store for more of the same. Just look at the the first two episodes, they are pretty much rehashing earlier episodes in the new series. First we get the robots that use human parts to repair themselves, much like in "Girl In The Fireplace" were the robots used human parts to repair their ship. This episode was not dissimilar to the season one episode "Dalek."

It is just time for Steven Moffat to step down. He doesn't have to leave the show altogether, he could still write one or two episodes a season. It's clear that it is time somebody with fresh ideas to be in charge of the show

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