Saturday, October 19, 2013

Is The United States Too Big?

By: William G. Muir
I know this might come as an unpopular point of view, but after recent events I think that maybe a break up of the Union known as the United States might be what is need.

I am not someone like Rick Perry, being that I am far more liberal minded and also an atheist. I don't call for succession because I belong to party that sees its grip on power slipping away, and the only way to maintain that grip is to form a breakaway society of hopefully like minded individuals.

I'm beginning to think that a population of over 350 million people is just too large to govern effectively. A group that large is bound to become so politically and socially diverse that among that number ideologies and dogmas are going to arise that are going to become incompatible with other ideologies and dogmas.

I believe we are already seeing this taking place. We now have two parties that have grown so opposed to each other that they will stop at nothing to obstruct the agenda of their opposition. I know some will say this is not so and will point the finger across the aisle and lay the blame on the other side. I don't buy this objection, cause as I see it both parties have positions that they will not compromise on.

As I see it no one party can hold all the answers. Not everything is black and white, we live in a world of not only shades of gray, but of colors that shade all issues. The only way I see things progressing is if people are willing to compromise and move to the middle were they can work out their differences. Neither side gets exactly what they wanted, but then again what might emerge is what is best for the people and not the individuals that put it together.

Sadly I no longer see this ability to put what is good for the general public ahead of what is good for the party. Both sides have moved away from the middle and have sought to placate those elements on the fringe of their parties.

I don't know what the answer to any of this is, nor do I pretend to. All I do know is that things are not working as they are. Maybe if we lived in a world of infinite resources things would be different, but sadly we do not. We live in world were the things we need to survive are limited, which causes the stronger to bash the weaker in hopes of holding on to what is becoming an ever decreasing slice of the pie.        

Has the United States reached a population mass so great that it is no longer capable of effectively providing for all its citizens? Could it be there is a number that represents the idea limit for any form of government, that once it is surpassed the system begins to breakdown?  Or maybe it is not a matter of numbers but instead a matter of resetting the system altogether. Perhaps every so often the system needs to be wiped clean and everything started at zero. New laws, new boundaries, new system, new everything put into place.

In the end my conclusions might be wrong, but at least they are worth a few seconds so that they may be considered.

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